
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Reversing Division and Multiplication

Goal- Use a broad range of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems with whole numbers

We had to learn the strategy and then do a screencastify to teach others how to do the strategy.

Explanation Of Strategy

Harry Potters First time seeing Hogwarts Drawing

For reading this week we had to read a part of Harry Potter I did their first time seeing Hogwarts, without seeing a picture of the scene we had to draw what we thought the castle and scene looked like from what we had read.
My Drawing

My Picture

Whats your favourite way to show your leaning?

Monday, May 18, 2020

Harry's War

We read a book called Harry's War.
We had to fill in this template about what ha[happened in the book.

Whats your favourite book to read?

Friday, May 8, 2020


For writing this week we were doing poems. we had to choose a poem and list the things we could see on it

I chose to do a rhyme poem about quarantine here it is ;

Tree Diagrams

This week for maths we were looking at tree diagrams. We could either draw it by hand on paper or on our chromebooks, we then had to put the diagrams on a slide along with statements.

Whats your favourite thing about maths?

Maths Term 2 Week 3

For maths in week three we were doing graphs to show data about our topic of choice, and we made up our own data. I chose to do Apple phones and android phone I put the data in the categories of girls and boys. We then had to make about what we could see in the data.

This is my graph:

How has your online school been going?

Maths For The First Week Of Term 2

For the first eek of term 2 we got to choose from 3 different strategies I chose to do rounding and compensating (r & c).
we had to learn how to use the strategy and then make a screencastify (voice over) on how to use and do the strategy.

If you want to listen to the screencastify click here

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Writing Term 2 Week 3

For the third week of term two I was doing complex sentences for writing. I chose to do a movie and write complex sentences about each character, I chose the Spongebob movie.
If you wondering what a complex sentences is it is a sentence that has one independent clause and one dependent clause in it. In more basic language it is a sentence that has one sentence that can make sense by itself and one part that has something that doesn't make sense by it self.

Do you use complex sentences in writing?